Webinars & Videos

Forrester Total Economic Impact™: How BlueConic Customers Reduced Operational Costs with up to 90% Time Savings

Evaluating the true ROI of a customer data platform (CDP) means understanding how the technology improves key business metrics and enables working more efficiently. That’s why we commissioned Forrester Consulting to conduct a Total Economic Impact™ study that measures both the profit and operational efficiency gains that can be unlocked with BlueConic.

In this webinar, guest speakers, Forrester’s Joe Stanhope, VP, Principal Analyst and Julia Fadzeyeza, Principal Consultant, joins BlueConic’s CMO, Patrick Reynolds, to explore current CDP market trends and discuss the findings of the TEI study, including how BlueConic helped customers achieve:

  • Up to 90%-time savings on segmentation, customer journeys, and reporting tasks

  • Increased profit of $5.4M from improved conversion rates, new data monetization revenue streams, and strategic partnership growth

  • Creating new digital products & experiences for specific audiences

  • Faster, higher-quality decision making and support for future growth

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