Reports & Guides

Improving Operational Efficiency with a CDP

According to KPMG, 59% of executives said the pandemic has created an impetus to accelerate their company’s digital transformation, single customer view, omni-channel acceleration, and other aspirational programs.

To made good on these plans, business leaders must equip their growth-focused teams – from marketing and customer experience to ecommerce and analytics – with the right tools. Yet too many business leaders struggle to quantify the full ROI of these solutions — focusing solely on tactical business and marketing metrics versus the operational efficiencies it drives for their teams and the business at large.

Download your free copy of our eBrief today to discover why technology should not only improve key metrics, but also enable more efficient ways of working. You’ll learn:

  • Why technology decisions should be grounded in the operational benefits it provides

  • How to assess the operational efficiency gained with technology

  • How the customer data platform (CDP) fundamentally transforms how companies understand and interact with customers

Fill out the form to download the eBrief and learn why operational efficiency is the new metric for transformational growth.

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