If you’re looking for a powerful new way to engage potential customers, quizzes are where it’s at. In fact, just like your usual marketing funnel, you can create quiz funnels to not only delight your respondents but also help you gather leads and crucial first-party customer data.
It’s easy to do, and there are a lot of advantages, both for you and your customers. Read on to learn why you should create a quiz funnel — and how you can do it in five simple steps.
What Are Quiz Funnels?
You probably already know all about marketing funnels — but if not, let’s start there with a quick overview. A basic marketing funnel is comprised of the following steps:
Awareness: The customer becomes aware of your brand.
Research: The customer learns more about you and your offerings.
Consideration: The customer considers your products and competitor offerings.
Conversion: The customer makes a purchase.
Retention: The customer becomes loyal to your brand and tells others about you.
So that’s a basic marketing funnel. Now, what is a quiz marketing funnel? Well, to understand that, you’ll need to understand a little bit about how typical sales funnels work.
Often, basic marketing funnels start with what’s known as a “lead magnet.” Lead magnets generally represent something of value: an informative whitepaper, a webinar, a coupon, a trial subscription, a free consultation, a free sample, access to case studies, or something else along those lines.
The lead magnet sits at the top of the marketing funnel. For example, people who want a new streaming service might do a Google search for the best streaming services available in their region. At the top of the results page, they find a paid ad that leads to a free trial offer for a streaming service that they’ve never heard of.
Potential clients sign up — and in so doing, they’ve entered the marketing funnel. They’ve become aware of this new brand, and in using the free trial to look around at what the service has to offer, they’ve entered into the research phase. Meanwhile, the streaming service brand gets to capture leads as people sign up for the lead magnet that they’ve offered.
Now, back to the question of what a quiz funnel is. In a quiz funnel, the quiz itself takes the place of the lead magnet. New customers enter the first stage of the funnel when they discover the quiz and, thus, discover your brand. If you’ve structured the quiz well, it also becomes an interactive experience that helps customers through the research phases by providing information about your products.
At the end, customers can sign up to get the results of the quiz — and move into the consideration phase when you give them the results in the form of personalized product recommendations.
What Are the Benefits of Quiz Funnels?
It’s no secret — people love quizzes! They’re a great way to create interest and engagement while helping respondents learn more about themselves and their preferences. And there’s a lot to love about quiz funnels. Let’s take a look at some of the biggest benefits.
The Ability to Personalize
The beauty of interactive quizzes is that they’re a personalized experience that give unique, tailored responses to each individual quiz-taker — and that makes them much more interesting than static content that is the same for all potential customers. Online quiz results also give you information that helps you deliver personalized recommendations on products, which is a great way to humanize your brand and show that you care, as opposed to serving up one-size-fits-all messaging.
As an added bonus, quizzes tend to be a lot more shareable than other types of content. Picture this: Someone arrives at a landing page and reads some static content about sneakers. It’s interesting — but not interesting enough that the user takes further action.
Now imagine the same user taking a quiz about sneaker styles, one that asks about the types of workouts that they enjoy, the kinds of features that most interest them, and the styles that they prefer. It’s a much more interesting experience — and the user shares it with friends and family who also have fun taking the quiz.
Data Collection
The data that you get from respondents’ answers is an incredibly valuable source of information that you can use to better understand your target audience. The more people who take the quiz, the more you’ll be able to zero in the specific preferences of different audience segments.
What’s more, most quizzes offer a value exchange at the end: Users enter their email address in order to receive their personalized results. It’s a great way for businesses to collect leads in conjunction with details about customer preferences so that later on you can send out personalized marketing emails that capture their interest.
Increased Conversion Rates
Quizzes are a powerful marketing tool that can increase conversion rates. Why? Because personalized, interactive content builds engagement, loyalty, and customer interest. At the same time, you’re collecting information that helps your brand offer the right products and services to the right customers. Put it all together, and you’ll discover that your quiz takers are overall more likely to convert as opposed to audiences who are only getting generalized marketing messages.
Whatever you’re marketing, you can almost certainly create a quiz to match. They’re super popular for apparel companies, who use them to create personality quizzes, style quizzes, and product match quizzes. Beauty retailers use them to create skin type quizzes, hair type quizzes, or product recommendation quizzes that help customers find favorite scents and shades.
But what if you’re a streaming service? Then you can create quizzes that poll customers on their favorite genres and shows. Maybe even a quiz for respondents to find out which TV character they are.
No matter your industry, the sky is virtually the limit. Create quizzes about food or beverage preferences, favorite cars, interior design ideas, and more. You can also customize the format by offering true-false or multiple-choice questions, asking people to choose between different pictures, and more.
Experiences by Jebbit Case Study: How JCPenney Used a Quiz Funnel
Want to see a quiz funnel example in action? Here’s an Experience created for JCPenney. It’s a back-to-school quiz that parents can take with their kids to help make back-to-school shopping easier. With it, parents and kids can zero in on their favorite styles for the school year. At the end, each respondent can get their information in exchange for contact information.

This quiz was incredibly successful, with more than 22,000 participants engaging with it. It has an 80% completion rate — and with it, JCPenney enjoyed a 60% lead capture rate rate. These are all new leads coming from new potential customers, and JCPenney’s marketers can now follow up with these leads. Better yet, the marketing team now also has information about the styles that each family enjoys, which allows them to send out personalized content and recommendations to their new subscribers.
How to Create a Quiz Funnel
Ready to create a high-quality quiz funnel that captures consumer attention — plus plenty of first-party data that you can use to improve your digital marketing strategy? Just follow the step-by-step guide below.
1. Create a Quiz
Naturally, you’re going to need a quiz — and you can create one easily with quiz builder tools like Experiences by Jebbit. Once you have tools to build a quiz, the next step is to spend some time learning about what makes online quizzes successful.
For that, you can always turn to BuzzFeed as an example. While BuzzFeed isn’t an e-commerce brand, they do publish a huge number of quizzes — and those quizzes are extremely popular. The secret to their success? There are a few factors at play:
These quizzes capture attention immediately with catchy titles and appealing visuals.
After capturing attention, they draw people in with interesting questions that engage while helping people learn more about themselves.
They’re easily shareable on social media, which brings in even more respondents when shared with friends and family.
With these ideas in mind, set about creating a series of questions that will not only be interesting for your target audience but will also help them learn something about themselves (like a personality or style quiz) or your brand (like which product will accomplish their goals or fill their biggest need).
Sometimes, you can do both. Imagine a quiz for a skincare brand that helps viewers discover whether they have dry or oily skin, then reveals which products are best for their type of skin.
Remember, too, that this is a lead generation quiz. Since part of the objective is to collect data, structure the quiz around the types of data that you want to collect. For example, if you want to market a product toward people who suffer from dry skin in the winter, include questions or answers about this particular pain point so that you can learn which audience segments are most likely to have this concern.
No matter what type of quiz you create, keep the design attractive and simple. Remember how much you dreaded essay questions on pop quizzes back in high school? Maximize the completion rate (and keep things fun) with multiple choice, true-false, and other types of quick-and-easy quiz questions.
At the end, keep the lead generation form simple: Spaces for the respondent’s name and email address should suffice.
2. Create a Landing Page
Now that you have a quiz, you need a place to put it — and that’s what the landing page is for. The landing page should accomplish the following:
Introduce your brand to new customers who arrived there after clicking an ad or search result.
Build trust and offer a clear call to action (CTA) in order to encourage visitors to take the quiz.
Make a promise that details what visitors will get from successfully completing the quiz.
As with the quiz itself, keep the design attractive and on-brand. Since many visitors will be new, focus more on building awareness than making a sale.
3. Promote and Feature the Quiz
Publishing the quiz and landing page — and linking them to ads or paid search results — will bring in some traffic. But there’s no reason to stop there. Since quizzes are valuable content marketing assets, you can — and should — promote them in as many ways as possible.
For a start, you can feature your quiz on your brand’s homepage or in another prominent, easy-to-find area on your website. Share quizzes across your social profiles, and if you have an email list already, you can always promote it among existing subscribers, too. Some may share it, and even among those who don’t, you’ll still get valuable information about their interests or preferences.
4. Deliver Results With a CTA
The end of the quiz is the perfect opportunity to segue into a gentle sales push with a CTA. Deliver the results with personalized product recommendations or a suggestion to visit a particular page to learn more if you’d like to direct people to product pages or another page on your site. If the goal is less about sales and more about lead generation, then you can also use this opportunity to encourage sharing by including a CTA with social share buttons.
5. Follow Up With New Leads
Don’t let your new leads go to waste. Ideally, as you created the quiz and related assets, you and your team also took some time to create email sequences for your new subscribers. Avoid generic email marketing pitches, and instead, use the information you’ve gathered on customer preferences to send out highly targeted emails with content that is relevant to respondent interests.
Ready to Get Started? We’re Here to Help!
Creating quiz funnels is easy — if you have the right tools to do it. Jebbit’s Experience Builder lets you create beautiful quizzes and interactive experiences. To learn more about how Jebbit can help you create effective quiz funnels, schedule a session with one of our Experience Experts.