
How VF Corp Made the Single Customer View a Reality

Learn how VF Corp. and its iconic family of lifestyle brands turned consumer data into a competitive advantage. By embracing digital transformation as a strategic initiative at the corporate level, the company championed several parallel projects that would ultimately result in a ‘consumer 360 view’ and transform the way each brand’s marketing organization would operate going forward.

Hear how VF Corp. got this project off the ground, what lessons they learned along the way, why they adopted a customer data platform (CDP), and how it’s changed their business for the better.

At the end of this video, you’ll be able to:

  • Plan a digital transformation project for your own organization

  • Address necessary change management with internal stakeholders

  • Articulate the operational benefits to be gained by your marketing organization

  • Understand what to look for in a CDP before selecting one for your martech stack

Fill out the form to view the video interview and learn how a CDP can help transform your marketing organization.

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